5 SOULS (2011)

 “5 Souls” features a duo of parallel storylines that takes so long to finally intersect that it feels like watching two completely different movies simultaneously.  Any bewilderment that besets the audience is an extension of a confused script that chooses seemingly arbitrary moments to randomly leapfrog between the two tales.


Effective depictions of “body horror” create the palpable sense that the science of humanity is an unavoidable curse ... A subconscious desire develops to shed the trappings of flesh as a prison for sickness, disease, and pain.  It is this fear of biology being frighteningly uncomfortable that is regrettably missing from “Errors of the Human Body.”

ABSENCE (2013)

 “Absence” plants the seeds of taking “found footage” in potentially new and interesting directions before leaving that garden completely untended.  The film settles for tilling from the same stony soil that has already been harvested dry by better constructed and more entertaining stabs at the genre.


An enthusiast convinced that what took place at 112 Ocean Avenue indicates legitimate paranormal activity can look to the documentary and say, “see?  This guy was in the middle of the true story and he confirms that it really happened.”  While a scoffer can point to the exact same footage and reason, “see?  This guy was in the middle of the true story and he confirms that he is just another crackpot.”